Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
Papers (Author)
Vitek M., Vitek L. Die konservative Behandlung des geschlossenen Oberarmschaftbruches mit der Sarmientoschiene. (Conservative treatment of the closed humerusshaft fracture with the Sarmiento brace).Acta chirurgica Austriaca 1985. 36-38
Vitek M.,L. Wissgott L.,H.R. Schönbauer: Erfahrungen mit Operationen der habituellen Schulterluxation. (Experience with operations of the recurrent dislocation of the shoulder). Schmerzsyndrome der oberen Extermität. ML-Verlag, Uelzen 1986. 183-185
Vitek M., J. Altenhuber, F. Grill: Der Bandscheibenvorfall Jugendlicher und seine Differentialdiagnose. (Slipped lumbar disc in juveniles and its differential diagnosis) Orthopädische Praxis 23, 1987. 514- 522
Vitek M., H. R. Schönbauer: Langzeitergebnisse konservierend operierter Mondbeinnekrosen. (Long term results in lunate preserving operations of the lunate necrosis) Handchirurgie, Mikrochirurgie, Plastische Chirurgie 19, 1987. 322-326
Vitek M., H. R. Schönbauer: Die Mondbeinnekrose und ihre Behandlung. (The necrosis of the lunate bone and ist treatment). Der praktische Arzt 41, 1987. 1133-1145
Vitek M: Die Behandlung von Problemfüßen mit der funktionellen Stützeinlage. (The treatment of problematic feet with functional insoles). Kongreßband zur 41. Van Swietentagung 1987. 167
Vitek M., F. Landsiedl: Instrumentelle Stabilitätskontrolle bei der vorderen und hinteren Kreuzbandläsion mit dem Telosgerät im seitlichen Röntgenbild. (Stability evaluation in the rupture of the anterior and posterior cruciate ligament with the Telos device). Arthroskopie Sonderband, 1987
Vitek M., F. Landsiedl: Die Behandlung der habituellen Schulterluxation - Bewährtes und Neues anhand von 10 Fragen. ( The treatment of the dislocation of the shoulder ) Der praktische Arzt 42, 1988. 35-46
Vitek M: Zur Biomechanik des Fußes beim Gehen. (Biomechanics of the gait) Der praktische Arzt 42, 1988. 385-390
Vitek M., G. Steinböck: Value of the Cerclage fibreux for the Keller-Brandes Procedure. Archives of Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery 108, 1989. 104-106
Vitek M., P. Kerkoc: Behandlung der Stellungsanomalie des Fußes mit der funktionellen Stützeinlage. (The treatment of anomalies in the feet with funcional orthotics). Zeitschrift für Orthopädie und ihre Grenzgebiete 127, 1989. 15-21
Vitek M., G. Steinböck: Zum Problem der dreigliedrigen Zehen – einschließlich operierter Hammerzehen – bei der Operation nach Brandes. ( Problems of the small toes after the Keller Brandes procedure) Orthopädische Praxis 2, 1989. 107-110
Vitek M: Vergleich verschiedener Abformungsverfahren zur Herstellung von Schuheinlagen am Beispiel des lockeren Knicksenkfußes des Erwachsenen. (Comparison of different models in manufactoring functional insoles in the treatment of the pes planovalgus). Medizinisch Orthopädische Technik 111, 1991. 289-292
Vitek M: Die funktionelle Stützeinlage in der praktischen Anwendung. (A Functional foot orthotic and its use) Kongreßband zum 2. Internationaler Fußchirurgenkongreß der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Fußchirurgie, 1991
Vitek M: Arthroskopische Therapie des oberen Sprunggelenkes. (Arthroscopic therapy of the ankle joint) Kongreßband zum 2. Internationaler Fußchirurgenkongreß der Österreichischen Gesellschft für Fußchirurgie, 1991
Vitek M: Autologe Chondrozytenimplantation-eine neue Chance? (Autologous implantation of chondrocytes- a new chance?) Jatros Orthopädie, Unfallchirurgie und Rheumatologie 3, 1996. 15
Vitek M., M. Angst: Die Therapie der Gonarthrose mit Hyaluronsäure. (Therapy of gonarthrosis with hyaluronic acid) Wr. Klinische Wochenschrift 1997
Vitek M. Neue Techniken und Implantate für die Fußchirurgie. (New techniques and implants for footsurgery) Jatros Orthopädie 4/2008. 2-3
Vitek M. Frostballen perfekt sanieren . Neue Konzepte in der Behandlung der schiefen Großzehe und der Hammerzehen. (Perfect treatment of the hallux valgus. New concept for operations of deviated great toes and hammertoes) Kneippzeitschrift 11/2008. 8-10
Vitek M., Th Hlozek: Die Behandlung des Hallux rigidus mit Cheilektomie und Akin- Mobergosteotomie unter Verwendung einer neuen Schnittlehre und eines neuen Schraubensystems. (The treatment of hallux rigidus with cheilectomy and Akin-Moberg osteotomy using a new saw guide and a new screw system)Orthopädische Praxis 44, 11 (2008) 563-566
Vitek M., Th Hlozek: Die Behandlung der fortgeschrittenen Hallux valgus Deformität mit der interamedullären Verriegelungsplatte. Erste Erfahrungen an 20 Patienten. (Treatment of the severe Hallux valgus with the intramedullary locking plate. First experience with 20 patients) Fuß und Sprunggelenk Vol. 6 (2008) 214-221
Vitek M. A new Technique for Hammertoe Arthrodesis. Foot and ankle Surgery. 2009.
Vitek M. Th. Hlozek. Der FDL Transfer zur Behandlung der luxierten Hammerzehe. (The Transfer of the Flexor digitorum longus in the treatment of dislocated hammertoes). Orthopädische Praxis (2011) 83 -86
Vitek M. Improvements in the V-tek System. Operative Orthopädie und Traumatologie 26(6):632 · December 2014
Vitek M. H.Kugler, F.Fink, J.Niemeier. A new intramedullary locking plate for the ostetomy of the V. metatarsal in the correction of the tailors bunion. Midterm results of 21 Patients. Open Journal of Orthopedics. 2016, 6, 171-183
Vitek M, Hannes Kugler, Felix Fink, Ornella Vitek. Can a Subcapital Osteotomy Fixed with an Intramedullary Locking Plate Correct all Possible Deformities of a Mild to Moderate Hallux Valgus? Open Journal of Orthopedics, 2017, 7, 254-284
Vitek M, H. Kugler, F. Fink, V. Vitek and O.Vitek. A new shaft/base osteotomy for the correction of a moderate to severe hallux valgus using an intramedullary locking plate. Open Journal of Orthopedics. in press 2018
Papers (Co-Author)
Altenhuber J., F. Grill, M. Vitek: Ultraschall, Röntgen, Arthrographie: Die 3 gängigsten hüftdiagnostischen Verfahren nebeneinander betrachtet. ( Ultrasound, X-ray, arthrography: The 3 most common diagnostic methods in the evaluation of childrens hip). Sonographie in der Orthopädie. Kongreßband zur Sommertagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Orthopädie 1987
Meznik Ch., M. Vitek, R. Ganger,F. Landsiedl : Experimentelle sonographische Untersuchungen an der Leichenschulter. (Experimental sonographic evaluation of the shoulder in cadavers). Sonographie in der Orthopädie. Kongreßband zur Sommertagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Orthopädie 1987
Landsiedl F., Ch. Meznik, M. Vitek: Eine Analyse der Faktoren, die zur Abweichung vom geplanten Ergebnis bei der hohen Tibiakopfosteotomie führen. (Analysis of factors which lead to a deviation of the planned result in high osteotomy of the tibia). Arthroskopie Sonderband, 1987
Grill F., M. Vitek, F. Altenhuber: The Pavlik Harness in the treatment of congenital hip dysplasia – multicenter study of the E.P.O.S. Journal of Pediatric Orthopaedics 8, 1988. 1-8
Landsiedl F., Ch. Meznik, M. Vitek: Arthroskopische Therapie der rezidivierenden vorderen Schulterluxation nach Sportverletzungen . (Arthroscopic therapy of the recurrent anterior dislocation of the shoulder). Arthroskopie 1989
Ganger R., F. Grill, J. Leodolter, M. Vitek: Ultraschallscreening der Neugeborenenhüfte, Erfahrungen und Ergebnisse. (Ultrasound screeening of the hip in newborns. Experience and results.) Ultraschall in der Medizin 11, 1990. 288-294
Vorträge seit 2006
Oral Presentations and workshops since 2006
2006 Vienna/ Austria: St. Elisabeth Hospital. Workshop and surgeon training: The arthroscopic treatment of osteoarthritis in the knee. M Vitek
2006 London: workshop new techniques in hammertoe surgery. M Vitek
2006 Salamanca/Spain: New Treatment possibilities of dislocated hammertoes. M Vitek
2006 Salamanca/ Spain: The Akin osteotomy. M Vitek
2007 Tomsk/ Siberia/ Russia: Live operations and training of surgeons in forefoot and hand surgery. M Vitek, J. Felderhoff
2007 Going/ Austria: Int Meeting of the Austrian Foot and Ankle Society: The treatment of hammertoes with a new technique. M Vitek
2007 Cambridge/ England: workshop: new Methods in footsurgery. M Vitek
2008 Grantham/ England: Podiatrists meeting: New Techniques in forefoot surgery. M Vitek 2008 Grantham/ England: Podiatrists meeting: New saw guide for the Akin osteotomy. M Vitek
2008 Cleveland/ Ohio: Ohio College of Podiatric Medicine: workshop cadaver training of surgeons using the new techniques. M Vitek, V Hetherington.
2008 Cleveland/ Ohio: Congress of the North Eastern Academy, Super Seminar: New possibilities in the treatment of hallux valgus with intramedullary locking plates. M Vitek
2008 Tuttlingen/Germany: Live operations and surgeon training. M Vitek
2008 Tirana/ Albania: Klinika chirugicale Austriaca: Live operations. Treatment of severe foot disorders. M Vitek
2008 Munich/ Germany: GFFC Congress: The value of intramedullary locking plates in the treatment of hallux valgus. M Vitek
2009 Buenos Aires/Argentina: 18th Congress of the Argentinian Society of Medicine and Surgery of the Foot and Ankle: Treatment of Tailors bunion. M Vitek
2009 Buenos Aires/Argentina: 18th Congress of the Argentinian Society of Medicine and Surgery of the Foot and Ankle: Treatment of Hallux valgus. M Vitek
2009 Surabaya, Indonesia: Airlangga University. Workshop in forefoot surgery: A new treatment of Tailor`s Bunion. M Vitek
2009 Surabaya, Indonesia: Airlangga University. Workshop in forefoot surgery: A new saw guide for the Akin osteotomy. M Vitek
2009 Surabaya, Indonesia: Airlangga University. Workshop in forefoot surgery: My approach to the Hallux rigidus. M Vitek
2009 Surabaya, Indonesia: Airlangga University. Workshop in forefoot surgery: New Technique in the Treatment of Hammertoes. M Vitek
2009 Going: Int. Meeting of the Austrian Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society: Intramedullary locking plate for hallux valgus. M Vitek
2009 Going: Int. Meeting of the Austrian Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society: New Techniques in the Treatment of Hammertoes. M Vitek
2009 Baden Baden: Congress of the southern German Orthopaedic Society: The correction of Hallux valgus with a single plate system. From minimally invasive to opening Lapidus. M Vitek
2009 Baden Baden: Congress of the southern German Orthopaedic Society: The correction of Hallux valgus with a single plate system.workshop and surgeon training. M Vitek
2009 Brussels/ Belgium: AOFAS Congress, invited speaker. Advantages of the new hallux valgus and forefoot corrections with the V-tek System. M Vitek
2009 London: Live operations and surgeon training in the new methods of treatment of foot disorders. M Vitek
2009 Groningen: Dutch orthopaedic meeting: 18 month results of the intramedullary plating system. M Vitek
2009 Munich/ Germany: GFFC Congress: Strategies of the treatment of claw-, and overlapping toes. M Vitek
2009 Munich/ Germany: GFFC Congress: The V-tek System in the treatment of hallux valgus. M Vitek
2010 Weinberg/Germany. Workshop with the users of the V-tek System. Results, Questions and problems. M Vitek et al.
2010 Überlingen/Germany: Orthopedists meeting: Are new technique and implants able to increase the numbers of outpatients? M Vitek
2010 Vilnius/ Lithuania: Baltic Foot Conference: Hallux valgus surgery planning, complications and revision surgery M Vitek
2010 Salzburg/ Austria: Schlafgespräche. About the sleep from the orthopaedic standpoint. M Vitek
2010 Bari/ Italy: 31. Congresso nazionale della Societa Italiana della Caviglia e del Piede, Bari, 13-15 Maggio2010: New Techniques in Hammertoe Surgery, The V-tek System. M Vitek
2010 Bari/ Italy: 31. Congresso nazionale della Societa Italiana della Caviglia e del Piede, Bari, 13-15 Maggio2010: Intramedullary locking plates for hallux valgus. M Vitek
2010 Munich/ Germany: GFFC annual conference, German Society of Foot and Ankle Surgery: workshop: V-tek System- what is new? Results of 300 cases.
2010 Prague/ Cech Republik: Live forefoot operations workshop at the military Hospital Prague. M Vitek
2011 Wuppertal/ Germany: Congress of the German Association Foot & Ankle: New possibilities in the surgery of hallux valgus with the intramedullary Locking plate. M Vitek
2011 Wuppertal: Congress of the German Association Foot & Ankle: Finally a postop shoe which is not only functional but also cosmetic. M Vitek
2011 Wuppertal: Congress of the German Association Foot & Ankle: Therapy of the metatarsalgia in 1200 patients. M Vitek
2011 Wuppertal: Congress of the German Association Foot & Ankle: A new correction possibility in treatment of Tailor`bunion. M Vitek
2011 Istanbul/ Turkey: Congress of the Turkish Orthopaedic Society: Severe hallux valgus, TMT Arthrodesis plus baseosteotomy fixated with the intrmedullary V-tek System. M Vitek
2011 Istanbul: Congress of the Turkish Orthopaedic Society: Workshop Intramedullary Fixation in Hallux valgus. M Vitek
2011 Istanbul: Congress of the Turkish Orthopaedic Society:Hallux valgus: Baseostetomy and subcapital osteotomy fixated with the intramedullary V-tek System. M Vitek
2011 Istanbul: Foot and Ankle Course: Hallux rigidus, MTP I Arthrodesis. M Vitek
2011 Vienna: 19th Annual Meeting of the European Orthopaedic Research Society EORS: New development sin footsurgery: A new k-wire free intramedullary technique allows immediate full weight bearing even after the correction of maximum hallux valgus and dislocated hammertoes. Our experience after 500 cases. M Vitek, Birgit Anker, Ph. Hammer
2011 Vienna: Viennese forefoot course. Hallux valgus, Hallux rigidus, Hammertoes, Metatarsalgia, Tailor`s Bunion, Splayfoot. The V-tek System M Vitek et al.
2011 Heidelberg/ Germany: Int. Deformity day. K-wire free forefoot reconstructions and intramedullary corrections of the 1st ray with the V-tek System. M Vitek
2012 Prague/Cech Republik: Foot and ankle workshop at the University Hospital Motol: K-wire free forefoot surgery, experience of 6 years. M Vitek
2012 Valetta/Malta: Lecture: Footsurgery, The goals in the treatment of foot disorders. M Vitek
2013 Vienna/Austria: 3rd and 4th Vienna Forefootsurgery Course: The Advanced techniques of forefoot corrections with the V-tek systems. M Vitek et al.
2013 Vienna. 3rd Vienna Forefoot Course: The V-tek Method in the Correction of Forefoot Deformities. M Vitek, H Kugler, Ph. Hammer
2013 Vienna/Austria: 4th Vienna Forefootsurgery Course: The Advanced techniques of forefoot corrections with the V-tek systems. M Vitek et al.
2013 Villahermosa/ Mexico: Lecture at the Universidad Autonoma de Guadalajara/ Campus Tabasco: New possibilities in footsurgery. M Vitek
2013 2 Workshops in Bad Vöslau and St. Georgen: Kneipp Academy: Course for sportteachers and trainers: Foot Medicine and footsurgery, new developments. M Vitek
2013 Vienna: 3 rd Viennese forefoot course. Cooperation of the Normed Academy with the Vienna Medical University and the IMU Malta. Hallux valgus, Hallux rigidus, Hammertoes, Metatarsalgia, Tailor`s Bunion, Splayfoot. The V-tek System. M Vitek et al.
2014 Paris: Universite Descartes: Foot Course for Foot Surgeons, Fa Zimmer Biomet. M Vitek et al.
2015 Vienna: Bioskills Course in Wien: Hallux Valgus Reconstruction & Revision: V-Tek IVP + Dp Revision, 5. Wiener Fußchirurgie Kurs für Fußchirurgen im Anatomischen Institut der Medizinischen Universität Wien, M Vitek et al.
2016 Venice/Italy: 8th international Course in Pain Management. Pain from head to the toes. Hotel Excelsior/ Venice Lido, Pain in the forefoot
2016 Venice/Italy: 8th international Course in Pain Management. Pain from head to the toes. Hotel Excelsior/ Venice Lido. Pain in the rearfoot.
2017 Venice/Italy: 9th international Course in Pain Management. Pain from head to the toes. Hotel Excelsior/ Venice Lido, Surgical Therapy of osteoarthritis in the upper extremity.
2017 waving seminar: First course in the new lifestyle against pain in the spine and in the joints. Hinterbrühl, Niederösterreich.
2017 Venice/Italy: 9th international Course in Pain Management. Pain from head to the toes. Hotel Excelsior/ Venice Lido, Surgical Therapy of osteoarthritis in the lower extremity.